Mathematical artwork?
T. G. Vanini’s digital prints have been seen several times recently at the Woodstock Artists Associaton and Museum. Currently there’s one in the Small Works show.
You can hear T. G. reading his poem At the twelfth dark moon (from the book Dear Cloudface), and see the painting by Rebecca Hart that it inspired, at ASK's 2021 online Poetic License exhibition.
Another of T. G.'s poems is included in the May 2020 edition of Green Kill Broadside.
Some albums I’m on
First Of My Rambles by Sarah Underhill
Yumpatiddly Bee: Silly Songs by The Princes of Serendip
A Horse Named Sherman by Kate Boyer
Seed-Maid: Sentimental Songs by The Princes of Serendip
Julie Parisi Kirby's "In Her Dream"
Real Time Real Piano by Mighty Xee
An Evening with the Serendip Orchestra by The Princes of Serendip
What She Said by The Princes of Serendip
The Princes of Serendip by The Princes of Serendip
growth & gravity by T. G. Vanini
Kalliope's Grace by Deborah Osherow
Strange Sweethearts by Sarah Underhill
Bluebird in the Snow by James Krueger
DVD: Too Small To Fail by Mikhail Horowitz and Gilles MalkineSearch